Thursday 13 February 2014

IBPS PO2 Qualified Hunger strikers feeling extremely weak

After SHUDHANSHU SHEKHAR and VIVEK LABH, CHANDAN is feeing weak and reported loss of 2.7 kg in weight. Yesterday IBPS PO2 Qualified Hunger strikers SHUDHANSHU SHEKHAR and VIVEK LABH were feeling extremely weak", and had lost 3.70 kg and 2.40 kg weight reportedly. Due to rain In Delhi and Cold Many Protesters fall ill too.
Due to rain In Delhi and Cold Many Protesters fall ill.
Around 70-80 IBPS PO2 written + Interview qualifiers are on strike against Injustice by IBPS with IBPS PO2 written + Interview qualifiers since 4th February 2014 OUT OF RAHUL GANDHI’S home, in which  SHUDHANSHU SHEKHAR and VIVEK LABH and one other candidates are on hunger strike since past 6 days an were reported extremely weak by Doctor. They have lost 3.70 kg and 2.40 kg weight reportedly.
It’s the 10th day today of strike by IBPS Written + Interview Qualified candidates at Delhi out of RAHUL GANDHI'S home.
It started in 2012 when IBPS brought notification for PO2 exam in which about 8.8 lacs candidates appeared out of which around 61000 candidates cleared written exam and called for an interview. Interview Started in January and about 47000 candidates were successful in interview.
IBPS brought 22415 vacancies in first round of allotment in which it promised candidates that they will be considered for next round. Till now IBPS has allotted jobs to about 30000. And about 18000 were still in waiting and the validity of score card is March 2014. In between that IBPS started process of IBPS PO3 and notified the allotment in March 2014 though the validity of score card of PO2 is March 2014, it shows the evil intentions of IBPS - One of thePO2 qualified candidate said.
6 Students namely DIPAK, PRADIP, NEERAJ, SANDIP, GAIND LAL And TABASSUM have demanded mercy killing in connection of injustice of IBPS with PO2.
At one side RAHUL GANDHI the leader of Congress always talks to give opportunities to youth and other side not paying attention on the pain of IBPS PO2 qualified candidates.
Candidates are out of RAHUL GANDHI'S Home and waiting since 4th of February to meet Mr. RAHUL GANDHI
Yet he hasn't even got time to meet them and discuss on matter.
If something happens to these candidates congress may lose votes from 19000 families.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

पूरा हफ्ता गुजर गया द्वार पर बैठे बैठे लेकिन राहुल गांधी नहीं मिले

पूरा हफ्ता गुजर गया द्वार पर बैठे बैठे लेकिन राहुल गांधी नहीं मिले

उपदेश अवस्थी/नईदिल्ली। IBPS के PO2 Waiting candidates को पूरे 8 दिन हो गए राहुल गांधी के दरवाजे पर बैठे बैठे, वो अपनी बात राहुल गांधी के सामने रखना चाहते हैं, उन्हे उम्मीद है कि न्याय जरूर मिलेगा, परंतु समस्या यह है कि राहुल गांधी से उनकी मुलाकात ही नहीं हो पा रही है।इधर आमरण अनशन पर बैठे 3 कैंडीडेट्स की हालत खराब हो गई है।

वो न्याय की गुहार लगा रहे हैं, उनकी बातें लॉजिकल हैं लेकिन पॉलिटिकल नहीं है। वो राहुल गांधी का विरोध नहीं कर रहे, बस अपनी बात रखना चाहते है, शायद इसीलिए उन्हें देश की राजधानी दिल्ली में कोई सपोर्ट भी नहीं मिल रहा। मामला पॉलिटिकल नहीं है इसलिए मीडिया की सुर्खियां भी नहीं बन रहा। क्वालिफाइड केंडीडेट्स की आवाज बेसलैस पॉलिटिकल धमाकों के पीछे ना जाने कहां गायब हो रही है।
आमरण अनशन पर बैठे 4 कैंडिडेट्स में से 3 की तबीयत बिगड़ रही है। विवेक लाभ, सुधांशु शेखर, चंदन और डम्पी सिंह में से सुधांशु और विवेक की तबीयत आज खराब हो गई। इलाज के लिए प्राईवेट डॉक्टर को बुलाना पड़ा। गरिमा सिंह पिछली 3 रातों से फुटपाथ पर बैठी हुई है।
दिनांक 10 फरवरी से IBPS के PO2 Waiting candidates राहुल गांधी के बंगले के सामने फुटपाथ पर आकर बैठ गए थे। तब से वो लगातार राहुल गांधी का इंतजार कर रहे हैं, इनमें लड़के और लड़कियां दोनों शामिल हैं। 
'राजनीति नहीं काजनीति' का नारा देने वाले राहुल गांधी तक इनकी सूचनाएं लगातार पहुंच रहीं हैं परंतु वो इनसे मिलने का समय ही नहीं निकाल रहे हैं। मामला 19000 IBPS के PO2 Waiting candidates का है। आमरण अनशन पर बैठे केंडीडेट्स की हालत बिगड़ती जा रही है। IBPS के PO2 Waiting candidates पूरी तैयारियों के साथ आए हैं या ना तो न्याय लेकर जाएंगे या फिर डटे रहेंगे यहीं पर केंप करेंगे, चाहे कितनी भी कुर्बानियां देनी पड़ें।
यह मामला राहुल गांधी के लिए चुनौती बनता जा रहा हैै। यदि कहीं कोई अनहोनी हो गई तो एन चुनाव से पहले बड़ा कलंक राहुल गांधी के माथे पर लग जाएगा। अब देखना यह है कि युवाओं की तरफदारी और नईसोच वाले युवा नेता राहुल गांधी भारत के इन 19000 युवाओं के मुलाकात करने का समय निकालते हैं या नहीं।

Source :

IBPS PO2 Qualified Hunger strikers feel extremely weak” and has lost 3.70 kg and 2.40 kg weight reportedly.

IBPS PO2 Qualified Hunger strikers SHUDHANSHU SHEKHAR and VIVEK LABH are feeling extremely weak", and has lost 3.70 kg and 2.40 kg weight reportedly.
Around 70-80 IBPS PO2 written + Interview qualifiers are on strike against Injustice by IBPS with IBPS PO2 written + Interview qualifiers since 4th February 2014 OUT OF RAHUL GANDHI’S home, in which  SHUDHANSHU SHEKHAR and VIVEK LABH and one other candidates are on hunger strike since past 4 days an were reported extremely weak by Doctor. They have lost lost 3.70 kg and 2.40 kg weight reportedly.
It’s the 8th day today of strike by IBPS Written + Interview Qualified candidates at Delhi out of RAHUL GANDHI'S home.

It started in 2012 when IBPS brought notification for PO2 exam in which about 8.8 lacs candidates appeared out of which around 61000 candidates cleared written exam and called for an interview. Interview Started in January and about 47000 candidates were successful in interview.

IBPS brought 22415 vacancies in first round of allotment in which it promised candidates that they will be considered for next round. Till now IBPS has allotted jobs to about 30000. And about 18000 were still in waiting and the validity of score card is March 2014. In between that IBPS started process of IBPS PO3 and notified the allotment in March 2014 though the validity of score card of PO2 is March 2014, it shows the evil intentions of IBPS - One of thePO2 qualified candidate said.

About 5 Students have demanded mercy killing in connection of injustice of IBPS with PO2.
At one side RAHUL GANDHI the leader of Congress always talks to give opportunities to youth and other side not paying attention on the pain of IBPS PO2 qualified candidates.
Candidates are out of RAHUL GANDHI'S Home and waiting since 4th of February to meet Mr. RAHUL GANDHI
Yet he hasn't even got time to meet them and discuss on matter.

Candidates had shown their Unhappiness with poster ' 19000 YUVAO KO BEROJGAAR KARKE KIS HATH SHAKTI KIS HATH TARAKKI’